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A call to either an entry or a public Move function.

type MoveCallTransaction {
package: SuiAddress!
module: String!
functionName: String!
function: MoveFunction
typeArguments: [MoveType!]!
arguments: [TransactionArgument!]!


MoveCallTransaction.package ● SuiAddress! non-null scalar

The storage ID of the package the function being called is defined in.

MoveCallTransaction.module ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the module the function being called is defined in.

MoveCallTransaction.functionName ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the function being called.

MoveCallTransaction.function ● MoveFunction object

The function being called, resolved.

MoveCallTransaction.typeArguments ● [MoveType!]! non-null object

The actual type parameters passed in for this move call.

MoveCallTransaction.arguments ● [TransactionArgument!]! non-null union

The actual function parameters passed in for this move call.

Implemented By

ProgrammableTransaction union