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Orders SDK

Placing orders is a main function of any DeepBook integration. Before you can place orders, though, you must first set up a balance manager. See DeepBookV3 SDK for information on setting up a balance manager.

Order functions

The DeepBookV3 SDK provides the following functions for leveraging orders against pools.


Use placeLimitOrder to place limit orders. The call returns a function that takes a Transaction object.


  • params: SwapParams object that represents the parameters for the swap.
placeLimitOrder({ params: PlaceLimitOrderParams });


Use placeMarketOrder to place market orders. The call returns a function that takes a Transaction object.


  • params: SwapParams object that represents the parameters for the swap.
placeMarketOrder({ params: PlaceMarketOrderParams });


Use cancelOrder to cancel an existing order that is identified by the orderId thqt you provide. The call returns a function that takes a Transaction object.

::: warn

The orderId is the protocol orderId generated during order placement, which is different from the client orderId.



  • poolKey: String that identifies the pool from which to borrow.
  • balanceManagerKey: String that identifies the BalanceManager.
  • orderId: String of the protocol order ID that identifies the order to cancel.
cancelOrder(poolKey: string, balanceManagerKey: string, orderId: string);


Use cancelAllOrders to cancel every order for the balance manager whose key you provide. The call returns a function that takes a Transaction object.


  • poolKey: String that identifies the pool from which to borrow.
  • balanceManagerKey: String that identifies the BalanceManager.
cancelAllOrders(poolKey: string, balanceManagerKey: string);


The following examples demonstrate some custom functions for DeepBookV3 orders.

Limit orders

See the Order API for the different order types and self matching options.

// Params for limit order
interface PlaceLimitOrderParams {
poolKey: string;
balanceManagerKey: string;
clientOrderId: string;
price: number;
quantity: number;
isBid: boolean;
expiration?: number | bigint; // Default no expiration
orderType?: OrderType; // Default no restrictions
selfMatchingOption?: SelfMatchingOptions; // Default self matching allowed
payWithDeep?: boolean; // Default true

* @description Place a limit order
* @param {PlaceLimitOrderParams} params Parameters for placing a limit order
* @returns A function that takes a Transaction object
placeLimitOrder = (params: PlaceLimitOrderParams) => (tx: Transaction) => {}

// Example usage in DeepBookMarketMaker class
// Place a bid of 10 DEEP at $0.1
customPlaceLimitOrder = (tx: Transaction) => {
const poolKey = 'DEEP_DBUSDC'; // Pool key, check constants.ts for more
const managerKey = 'MANAGER_1'; // Balance manager key, initialized during client creation by user
poolKey: poolKey,
balanceManagerKey: managerKey,
clientOrderId: '1',
price: 0.1,
quantity: 10,
isBid: true,
payWithDeep: true,

Place market order

Example of placing a market order.

// Params for market order
interface PlaceMarketOrderParams {
poolKey: string;
balanceManagerKey: string;
clientOrderId: string;
quantity: number;
isBid: boolean;
selfMatchingOption?: SelfMatchingOptions;
payWithDeep?: boolean;

// Example usage in DeepBookMarketMaker class
// Place a market sell of 10 SUI in the SUI_DBUSDC pool
customPlaceMarketOrder = (tx: Transaction) => {
const poolKey = 'SUI_DBUSDC'; // Pool key, check constants.ts for more
const managerKey = 'MANAGER_1'; // Balance manager key, initialized during client creation by user
poolKey: poolKey,
balanceManagerKey: managerKey,
clientOrderId: '2',
quantity: 10,
isBid: true,
payWithDeep: true,

Cancel an order

Example of canceling a single order in a pool for a balance manager.

* @description Cancel an existing order
* @param {string} poolKey The key to identify the pool
* @param {string} balanceManagerKey The key to identify the BalanceManager
* @param {number} orderId Order ID to cancel
* @returns A function that takes a Transaction object
cancelOrder = (
poolKey: string,
balanceManagerKey: string,
orderId: number
) => (tx: Transaction) => {}

// Example usage in DeepBookMarketMaker class
// Cancel order 12345678 in SUI_DBUSDC pool
cancelOrder = (tx: Transaction) => {
const poolKey = 'SUI_DBUSDC'; // Pool key, check constants.ts for more
const managerKey = 'MANAGER_1'; // Balance manager key, initialized during client creation by user
tx.add(this.deepBook.cancelOrder(poolKey, managerKey, 12345678));

Cancel all orders

Example of canceling all orders in a pool for a balance manager.

* @description Cancel all open orders for a balance manager
* @param {string} poolKey The key to identify the pool
* @param {string} balanceManagerKey The key to identify the BalanceManager
* @returns A function that takes a Transaction object
cancelAllOrders = (
poolKey: string,
balanceManagerKey: string
) => (tx: Transaction) => {}

// Example usage in DeepBookMarketMaker class
// Cancel order 12345678 in SUI_DBUSDC pool
cancelOrder = (tx: Transaction) => {
const poolKey = 'SUI_DBUSDC'; // Pool key, check constants.ts for more
const managerKey = 'MANAGER_1'; // Balance manager key, initialized during client creation by user
tx.add(this.deepBook.cancelAllOrders(poolKey, managerKey));